The Stress Solution: The 4 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Healthier You – Book Review

November 10, 2021 | 1 min read

Dr Rangan Chatterjee has made a name for himself as a health expert – especially through his work with the BBC One series, Doctor in the House. As a medical practitioner for over 20 years, Chatterjee has published numerous works on how to live a healthier lifestyle without complicating it. His book “The Stress Solution” is a fantastic contribution – focusing particularly on how stress can impact our physical health. If you are looking to gain control over your weight and sense that stress in your life may be undermining your efforts, then this may be the book for you.

Have you ever thought about how much control you have over the stress in your life? Today, in 2021, it seems like we all face more stress than ever before. The WHO (World Health Organisation) has identified stress as a unique “epidemic” for the 21st century, with terrible consequences for people. Lower concentration, reduced libido, worsening memory and greater anxiety are just some of the ways stress can affect us. Stomach problems and obesity can also be physical manifestations of stress. Are we destined to sit in our stressful lives, unable to change both our environment and attitude? With this book, we can find some encouraging answers.

Chatterjee offers a simple, 4-step programme to help readers relieve stress in a meaningful (not temporary) way. The core idea is that individuals unify the various aspects of their being to “re-set” their lives. These include gaining a greater sense of purpose, combating loneliness (and lack of physical touch), learning to eat and exercise properly, as well as mind relaxation. The latter makes some particularly important observations about limiting our use of digital media such as mobile phones, which can create “technology overload”.

The Stress Solution is an easy-to-read book, accessible to a wide range of readers and full of helpful, engaging stories from patients. At 213 pages, it is very digestible and can be finished within a week, or shorter, depending on time and reader ability. The advice within the book is practical and well-grounded in scientific study and clinical information. The style of writing is friendly, inviting and conversational. Don’t sit in your stress for longer than is necessary. Take advantage of the great insights and advice in this book. You never know – it could offer the relief you’ve been looking for.
